Sunday, February 17, 2013

31 Weeks

How Far Along: 31 Weeks
Weight Gain/Loss: +25 lbs
Maternity Clothes: Only thing I can wear. That and Josh's shirts
Gender: Baby boy!!
Movement: All the time. He loves to flip and kick
Sleep: I sleep pretty well  at night but I take a nap pretty much everyday when Zoey takes hers.
What I miss: Clothes that fit comfortably and not getting out of breath just walking to the bathroom.
Cravings: I have to have a bowl of cereal or pb & j sandwich every night before bed
Best Moment this week: Zoey calls her baby brother by name. She is so ready for him to be here

I have been really bad about keeping up with this blog this time around. I am even using my 30 weeks picture because I'm too tired (lazy) to get up and take another one. Being pregnant with a toddler is exhausting. We are also in the middle of finding & buying our first home. We probably didn't pick the best time but we need more room for our growing family.
We are looking into starting Zoey in a Mother's Day Out program in a couple weeks. We've been going to church with some friends for awhile now and when we drop her off at the nursery she loves it. When we pick her up she doesn't want to leave. I'm not ready for Mother's Day Out but I think Zoey is. She loves playing with other kids her own age. She is growing up way too fast for me!!