Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sarah tagged me so here it goes...

What's your current obsession? Trying to get my back to be back in normal shape. My goal is to do a cartwheel by then end of the summer. If you know me you know this is harder than it sounds lol

What's your weirdest obsession? ummm dr pepper???

What are you wearing today? Jeans & a tshirt

Why is today special? Not exactly special but Rocky is sick so I'm taking care of him

What would you like to learn to do? I agree with Sarah, sew. But also, shoot a gun! haha

What's the last thing you bought? Rain boots!

What are you listening to right now? The news talking about what the always talk about-swine flu

What's your favorite weather? Sunny!

What's your most challenging goal right now? Trusting God with Josh's job situation

What do you think about the person who tagged you? She's an awesome sister in law, great mother & wife :-)

What's your favorite guilty pleasure? Pop ice haha

Favorite vacation spot? Playa del Carmen was beautiful!

What would you like to have in your hands right now? A remote (to a new tv ;-) )

What would you like to get rid of? I'll copy Sarah's- insecurities

If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? Since it's wet & cold out I'd say the beach!

What language do you want to learn? I really want to pick Spanish back up

What super power would you like to possess? Flying!

What your favorite thing about the city you live in? Umm.... haha jk It's so pretty in every season. In the fall & winter you have all the trees & in summer & spring you have the beach!

What's your favorite piece of clothing in your closet? My ugg boots, I can't lie

What's your dream job? Nurse & whenever we have a family(not any time soon) be a stay at home mom

If you had $150 now what would you spend it on? Bills, groceries, etc. When did I become a grown up?????

Do you admire anyone's style? I wish I could dress like Eva Longoria. She's small like me :-)

Describe your personal style. Jeans, tshirt, flip flops. Thats about it haha I wear a dress to church now & then

Who's fashion show would you want tickets to? Chanel :-)

Who's closet would you like to raid? Emily has a ton of Coach stuff.... hehe

What are you most proud of? Me & Josh. We really had to grow up recently. Getting married & moving 25 hours away from everyone we know. We definitly are each other's best friends.

If you could choose one person who had passed to have lunch with who would it be and why? Lucille Ball- I love her & I think it would be fun!

Okay, Idk anyone else with a blog so Christin? You're it

1 comment:

  1. How sad is it to know that you posted this back in May and they are STILL talking about the swine flu! :-/ lol
