Wednesday, January 19, 2011

2 months old

I can't believe my baby girl 2 months old today. It is going by fast! We have a doctor's appointment next week so I don't know how much she weighs but I think she's close to 10 pounds now. She pretty much has a routine now. She goes to bed around 10:30 then wakes up around 2:30 to eat then again at 6:30 to eat then wakes up for the day at 10:00. She is smiling all the time now. We have a very happy baby. Josh can really get her smiling, she loves her goofy daddy :-)
People are always asking who she looks like so I found baby pictures of us so you can decide. After looking at them we think she doesn't look more like either one. She is half me & half Josh right now.

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